Eco 4306 Economic and Business Forecasting


Office hours: M 4pm-6pm or by appointment


Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to Forecasting,
Lecture 3: Review of Linear Regression Model Table02_3_Data.xls
Lecture 5: Statistics and Time Series, Figure03_fig01_fig7_DJI.xls Figure03_10_HoursWorkedUSA.xls
Lecture 6: Tools of the Forecaster,
Lecture 7: Forecasting using MA(q) models PRS85006013.csv
Lecture 9: Forecasting with Autoregressive (AR) Processes, Figure07_07_CAincome.xls
Lecture 10: Forecasting Practice 1, Figure08_01_SDhouseprices.xls
Lecture 11: Seasonal Models, Figure07_17_clothingsales.xls, Figure07_19_constructionchanges.xls
Lecture 13: Assessment of Forecasts, ghpca.wf1
Lecture 16: Deterministic Trends, jnj.wf1
Lecture 18: Stochastic Trends, ir_ur_inf.wf1
Lecture 20: Vector Autoregression Models (VAR), hp_CA.wf1
Lecture 23: Forecasting the Long Term and the Short Term Jointly (VEC models), npce_q.wf1 denmark.wf1
Lecture 25: Forecasting Volatility I, rSP500weekly.wf1
Lecture 26: Forecasting Volatility II, rSP500daily.wf1, rGOOGdaily.wf1
Lecture 28: Financial Applications of Time-Varying Volatility,
Lecture 29: Financial Applications of Time-Varying Volatility, aapl_fcx_sp500.wf1


HW1 problems
HW2 problems
HW3 problems
HW4 problems
HW5 problems
HW6 problems
HW7 problems
HW8 problems
HW9 problems

Practice problems:

Practice Problems 1