Eco 5316 Time Series Econometrics


Office hours: T 4pm-6pm or by appointment

We will use DataCamp to learn R quickly and efficiently.


Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: AR(p) model, AR model - GNP growth rate
Lecture 4: MA(q) model
Lecture 5: ARMA(p,q) model, ARMA model - growth rate for wages in TX
Lecture 6: Forecasting, ARMA model forecast - Real GDP growth rate
Lecture 7: Nonstationary Time Series
Lecture 9: Seasonal Models, Seasonal model - Johnson and Johnson Earnings Per Share
Lecture 16: VAR models, VAR model - house prices in Los Angeles and Riverside
Lecture 18: SVAR models, SVAR models - short run and long run restrictions
Lecture 21: VEC models, VEC models - money demand model, interest rates, pairs trading
Lecture 24: Kalman Filter, Kalman Filter - Nile, CAPM, Johnson and Johnson

magrittr: Pipe operators


HW1 problems
HW2 problems
HW3 problems
HW4 problems
HW5 problems
HW6 problems
HW7 problems
HW8 problems